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Agde - France Passion Plaisance

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Agde is a city with a Mediterranean feel with its land dedicated to vineyards, its scrubby landscape, its ponds and its mild climate. It is a real paradise for an active holiday. Sport, leisure, spas and parties are all on offer in this exceptional setting. Do you want to go swimming? Or maybe sunabthe peacefully? Adge has 14km of beaches for your enjoyment!

  • To see : museum of Ephèbe (museum archaeological subaqueous), fort brescou, the city (fountains, places, statues, ice cave, cathedral etc).
  • To taste : mussel and stuffed squids, clams cooked with white wine and shallot, Honey of garrigue, dried figs, oysters of Thau, Muscat wine of Frontignan, Picpoul (regional wine).
  • To know : the statue of Ephèbe, vestige of the Hellenist age, was brought back of Herault in 1964 and it classify historic monument.
  • Very Favourite : museum agathois (discovery of the popular arts and customs– fishing –sailing– terrestrial and subaqueous archaeology …).

On the channel of the Rhone with Sète :

Over a hundred kilometres, the Rhone à Sète Canal traverse Languedoc and the Petite Camargue to reach the edge of Provence. It is the link between the South Canal and the inland waterways of the Southeast. The Beaucaire Canal, which runs from the Etang Canal, forms today what is known as the Rhone à Sète Canal which connects the Thau Lake and Sète in Beaucaire.

On the channel of the South :

Built at the XVIIe century by Pierre-Paul Riquet with his famous round locks, classified «wonder of the world" by the UNESCO in 1996. True hydrolic museum, on the channel of the South combine variety of the sites and cultural richness. 240 kilometres length of Toulouse to the pond of Thau, it counts 64 locks, 55 aqueducts, 7 bridges - channels and 126 bridges.

From Agde Base : 


  • Agde - Sète - Agde : 52 kms - 6 locks - 8 hours
  • Agde - Colombiers : 31 kms - 12 locks - 8 hours

Mini Week

  • Agde - Aigues-Mortes - Agde : 154 kms - 6 locks - 20 hours
  • Agde - Capestang - Agde : 86 kms - 24 locks - 18 hours

Mini Week One Way

  • Agde - Homps : 86 kms - 17 locks - 15 hours

One Week

  • Agde - Homps - Agde : 172 kms - 34 locks - 30 hours
  • Agde - Saint-Gilles - Agde : 208 kms - 6 locks - 28 hours

One Week One Way

  • Agde - Carcassonne : 126 kms - 36 locks - 25 hours

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